So over the last few weeks I have mentioned to you guys about how I need to start eating a little bit healthier again.
It's not to loss weight, I just enjoy eating healthier because it makes you look & feel so much better. Now juicing is one of my favourite ways of making sure I eat my 'five a day' because not only can you visibly see what gos into your juice, but also because I find it so much fun to do! So with the weather being slightly warmer & the sun shining, I decided to dust off the old juicer & make some of my favourite juices. Now I substitute my juice as a snack for whenever I'm feeling hungry, this is generally around the four-five o'clock time when its in between lunch & dinner because that is when I tend to eat rubbish- I'm talking chocolate, crisps, pastries you name it!
So today I shall be sharing with you all one of my favourite fruit juice recipes, which is so quick & simple to make.

For the juice you will need:
one Whole Pineapple & half a Lime
Firstly you need to start by prepping all of your fruit, so I begin with the Pineapple & cut off its 'hair' which is the leaves/tree looking part of the Pineapple. Once you have done that I then cut off all of the skin surrounding the Pineapple, being really careful not to remove so much of the actual flesh as that is the part that holds most of the juice- don't worry if it doesn't all come off as it will be removed by the blades of the juicer. Once that is all done I go onto cutting it up into large chunks so it is easier to process in the juicer.
So everyone meet my juicer (Honestly it doesn't matter what make of juicer you have as long as it does the job!) & I can't imagine my life without it. The best birthday present ever! So all I do is just start adding the chunks, depending on how chunky you make them I normally start by adding three & add them gradually.
Then get juicing! My favourite part is squashing the fruit down into the blades & watching the sweet juice being made! In between juicing I turn the juicer off to add the next load of fruit in, just so it doesn't burn the motor out & so it gives time for the juicer to catch up.
& after you have juiced all of the Pineapple, I lastly add the half of the Lime into the the mix (it doesn't matter if the skin is still left on it, as again the juicer cuts it up!) as I find that adding the Lime later makes the overall flavour stronger. Top Tip: Make sure that after you have finished juicing to tilt the juicer slightly forward, so that all of the juice runs out of the juicer & into the jug- you want all of the juices!!
& that is what the finished product looks like! Give it a little stir with a table spoon to get the Lime juice & Pineapple juice to make friends & merge together- there is nothing worse then separated juice! Again I love how frothy the juice looks & it smells amazing!
Storage wise, I like to keep them in medium sized jars like this or smaller potion sized jam jars, so that you don't need to pour a potion out & instead just grab a jar & go! Also I think it looks really cute & more appealing then putting it into a plastic bottle. Top Tip: make sure to drink it either on the day you make it or the day after. This is because the longer you leave it, the less vitamins & good stuff is left in the juice & you want to get all of the added benefits!
So that's one of my favourite fruit juice recipes! If you enjoyed this post & want to see more recipes then just let me know below & I will definitely share some more. & if you were thinking about getting a juicer but were a little hesitant, then my advice is I am so pleased that I got mine & I think that it is such a fun & brilliant machine to use that I would recommend juicing to anyone! If you think you won't use it, it's a fad or won't get any enjoyment out of it, then don't buy one.
Have you got any delicious recipes we can try?
Much Love,