1. Minimal Makeup.

3. Nature Time.

4. Floral Dresses.
Yes it's a wardrobe staple for me, yes I have about 7 different floral dresses in my wardrobe, but it's my signature summer/spring look! It brings me back to my childhood of running around barefoot in a maxi floral dress every summer. Now I'm all grown up I can wear it in many different ways. A light weight cardie, blazer or leather jacket breaks up the look and can make it as casual or as smart as you want it. MUST HAVE FOR THIS SUMMER ♥

5. Dried Fruit & Nuts.
Ohhhh yes I have been on a major health kick this past month. Having given up chocolate and crisps for lent (not that i eat tones of it anyways) & replaced them with crispy soya beans and dried fruit and nut mix, I have not looked back and have carried on with this plan. Honestly it is a fab snack when your working and I do not feel hungry or that I need anything more after having it as a snack. Normally I have along side it a smoothie or an apple/carrot/strawberries/pear as a little snack in the afternoon and I feel a lot more fresh and healthy for it.
April Showers:
1. Thick, Chunky Cardigans.
It's on it's way to spring/summer and seeing people wearing thick knits in nice weather makes me sad :( embrace the warmth whilst we can!!
2. Takeaway Coffee/Tea/Iced Drinks.

3. Thick Foundation.
It's getting warm guys so strip back to the tinted moisturiser or a lighter foundation to get a dewier summer complexion. Don't hide behind your winter face!!
4. Working on nice days.
They should make it against the law to go into work on a nice day and not see the light of day til after 7, when most of the nice day has disappeared!! Rawwrrr for working in retail!!
5. Mouths/Daddy long legs & Wasps.
Three insects I cannot stand during the nice months :( Wasps are attracted to my room and are everywhere I go. I literally run away screaming from them & unlike bee's have many lives so they can sting you loads of times and not die!!! Also mouths just flap around my lights all the time which is tres annoying! Same goes for Daddy long legs & I have a fear of swollowing one in my sleep HA!
That's all for now guys & enjoy the lovely weather even though it's not that nice for this bank holiday :( hopefully next bank holiday will be better :)
Much Love Elle xoxoxo
the comforter is amazing(L) (:,X