So here's a slightly different post for you all today.
I was contacted a few weeks ago by a company called Design Shuffle who asked whether I had considered doing guest posts on my lil blog, as they were interested in creating something for me.
Well, not only was I extremely flattered, but it got me thinking...
if anyone is interested in writing pieces for my blog, please do not hesitate to contact me, it can be any topics from fashion to cookery, travel to interior design- VintageELLE will welcome all kinds of voices :)
So enjoy & let me know what you think & also thank you Mari for this great post
Much love,
Well, not only was I extremely flattered, but it got me thinking...
if anyone is interested in writing pieces for my blog, please do not hesitate to contact me, it can be any topics from fashion to cookery, travel to interior design- VintageELLE will welcome all kinds of voices :)
So enjoy & let me know what you think & also thank you Mari for this great post
Much love,
†Hello, everyone! It's Mari here for Design Shuffle, a fantastic online community where interior designers from around the world can show their work and design enthusiasts can find interior design inspiration.† As part of my job, I often have the opportunity to visit lovely blogs like VintageELLE09 to share some of the great interior designs I love.
Today's guest post is about one of my favorite thingsóvintage suitcases. I really enjoyed Elle's post which included the news that she is now the proud owner of lovely Harrods suitcases. She wants to stack them beside her bed and that's a great idea, but there are lots of ways to decorate with these vintage pieces that are reminiscent of wonderful trips by train or perhaps ocean liner. Here you will see interesting ways to display these romantic travel companions. Please enjoy!

Okay, so this isn't exactly a decorating idea, but you must admit each and every one of these cases is lovely in its own way. Oh, the tales of travel they could tell! Choose a few and start your own vintage suitcase collection.

A vintage vignette like this could be used in just about any room of the house. It's perfect for a bedroom corner.

Perhaps it will never go on the road again, but this battered and bruised suitcase has many years of decor life left in it. Vintage floral paintings on the wall soften the somewhat masculine feel of the display.

The empty end of a hallway like this one can be warmed up with a stylish stack of luggage topped by a lamp and mirror. Are those suitcase decorating ideas flowing yet?

Simply stacked in a bedroom corner, these suitcases add a bit of color to a sparsely furnished bedroom.

Two identical suitcases topped with a wooden tray make for a stylish bedside table in this vintage bedroom.

Vintage luggage fits beautifully into this feminine bedroom design. The lovely hues of the suitcases might even have inspired the gorgeous color palette.

Don't have vintage suitcases yet? No worries--just draw a stack on the wall or use removable stickers like these from Ferm Living. It's also a clever idea for rooms with limited floor space. Images 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Harrod suitcases can be easily incorporated into a variety of interior styles. What kind of Harrod suitcases you do you like? Check out Design Shuffle for more inspiration from top designers here!