So I was early for work one day & as I needed some eye makeup remover I decided to have a wounder around Boots (as you do!). Instantly I was greeted by the AMAZING amount of Christmas goodies that were already out (even though it was the end of September) & I had a lovely warm/happy feeling. So I'm looking around & I see one of my favourite makeup brands- Frontcover Cosmetics had out LOADS of Christmas gift sets this year,which made me very excited. Because not only do i loveeee my rainbow eyes palette & wanted to try out some of the others, but they were also on a 3 for 2 offer & there were sooooo many different ones to choose from. I thought as last time the rainbow palette sold out mega quick, these would too.
So in summary I spent a good half an hour pondering over which ones to get, forgot to buy eye makeup remover & was nearly late for work.... but it was worth it!!
One of the gift sets I brought was the 7 days 7 nails- I brought this because not only am I a huggeee lover of nail polish, but the colours that were in the collection were festive/vibrant/expensive looking. The colours in the set were really different to many of the colours I normally use & are completely bang on trend for fall/winter.
First impressions: As always the thing that draws me to the brand & any cosmetics is the packaging. & Frontcover put sooo much effort into their packaging & the ways it's presented. I ♥ how the box looks like it's a fashion mag (very voguesque) & the photograph is beautiful- simple, neutral makeup pulls the focus to the nail polish on the front & its a nice playful image. This makes it look expensive & classy.

When you open up the box it's nicely presented, with individual names of the colours written on the bottom of their little spaces. One of the things I really like about Frontcover is how they really think out what their customers want & who the people are who will be buying their products. As someone who is not very good at applying makeup of any kind & likes to be experimental, I love how they give instructions/tips on how to create different looks on every gift set, using the tools provided. This one in particular gives a amazingly creative tutorial on how to use all of the colour in the set to create a beautiful surrealist nail (though for me personally as I am quiet impatient, I would not be able to sit down for hours just to do it on my nails)- but it is a great idea & looks fab.
Carrot, High Risk Red, Morning Glory
Black Iris, Ruby Wine, Deep Purple, Spruce
As I said before the reason why I got this set in particular is because of the colours. I LOVE how the jewel inspired colours have a iridescent/marble quality to it- if you keep turning the polish in the light you can see tonnes of different colours sparkling away :) Ruby Wine will be the colour I will wear on Christmas Day & Black Iris for New Year. The quality of the colours & application defiantly rivals that of the high end nail polishes, such as Nails Inc. The consistency is thick & shinny, which makes it very easy to apply evenly, however I do feel that you need to apply two coats to make the colour really stand out.

I LOVED the end result- the application process was simple, it dried quiet quickly compared to other nail polishes I own & defiantly the choice of different colours rivals that of the high end cosmetics companies. The only negative thing I would say about these nail polishes is that they chip wayyy too quickly :( However when I did paint my nails again using Spruce, I decided to use my Nails Inc Kensington Caviar Topcoat to see whether it lasted longer this time & yes it did!! So I think that if you want to keep the colour lasting for a good few days, just to apply a clear top coat of any nail polish will work (my Nails Inc one is the only clear topcoat I own!).
Deep Purple
Overall as always with the Frontcover range, I loved this gift set & it will be very well used for a long time. As it was my free set in buy 3 for 2 in the promotion at Boots, it was defiantly worth the money & even if I had brought it for £12, for the amount of nail polishes you get & the quality I would say it's money well spent. If you think about it a Nails Inc Polish is £10.50 just for 1 & you get 7 here for the same quality!! It's a great Christmas present for your sister/niece/daughter/best friend or anyone who is nail polish obsessed :)
If you have never tried any Frontcover Cosmetics before & are a makeup beginner, or someone who has a growing collection but like to try new things,you must try any of their cosmetics & i think you will be pleasantly surprised!
I'll do some more reviews about the other two set I brought
Any Questions just ask :)
Elle xoxoxox