Hello :)
Yes, it is me
Fear not I am alive.
I thought I would do a little post through the means of photography to show what I have been up to this week, to be quiet honest I haven't really been up to much but for some reason I took a fair few snaps this week :S
Ok, ready....
- Sunday= Day off. It was a LUSH day (& I don't get to enjoy the weather normally when I'm working) & my lovely bro decided to start drumming making the whole house shake. This forced me out of the house to seek refuge in my local park, which was deserted. So I cycled there- very healthy of me, on my granny bike with my basket on the front, bringing with me my book (Karen Rose ' You Belong to Me') & camera for company. Stayed there for a good two hours, after which I cycled to the pet shop where I fell in love ♥ with my little friend who I nicknamed 'Tiger'. I already have a cat, however I seriously & this is for real, get depressed because my cat refuses to sit on my lap like my old cat used to (before she went to kitty heaven). My heart melted when she sat on my lap & I found out that she even though she looks like a kitten, she is actually over a year old. This is because she had a heart murmur when she was a kitten & they think it stunted her growth :(. Well to cut to the point I would like a cat for my birthday (August 9th) & even though she is not for sale at the moment I am BEGGING my parents to persuade the owner into giving it to me. What a spoilt brat! "Daddy I want it now!!!"
- Monday= I was on my lunch break & went in to WH Smiths, as you do, & saw that Lauren Conrad's 'Style' bible (as I like to call it) was reduced to £5.99!!!! I had a heart attack, brought it & love it. End of day.
- Tuesday= Worked. Boring. Half Term. Busy. My boyfriend felt sorry for me & gave me some lily's.
- Wednesday= Went out for drinks with my girlys, who are back from uni for Easter break. Boyfriend put together the outfit that he thought I should wear for the evening. Naturally I laughed & chose my own outfit! Had a lovely evening, got a little 'jolly' & went to work the next day feeling like I needed to sleep for 5 years! (NOTE TO SELF: It is not a good idea to be friends with people who's parents own a wine bar & give you margarita's for free!)
- Thursday= Wanted to sleep for years, but worked til 9pm :( got home passed out!
Friday= Day off. Spent too much money on Asos.com, dam sale! Was very happy with my £18 shorts (mega soft!), £15 skinny jeans & £16 floral tunic top :) though I don't want to see my bank balance! Helped boyfriend design his business cards in the evening & watched 4 episodes of SATC ( I have been addicted since coming back from NY).
- Saturday= Worked 8-5pm, blahhh!! Visited 'Beyond Retro' after work as I hadn't in forever & spent a fortune AGAIN! Soooo much great stuff in there at the mo for summer I had to restrain myself, but brought playsuit £25 ( I have a slight obsession for playsuits/jumpsuits at the mo) & got some WOVEN SHOES!!!! AHHH!! I have wanted some for ages & there were so many nice ones but in tiny, smurf sizes, however I managed to find 2 beauties for £15 each. They will look very cute with my summer dresses & high waisted shorts. I had to restrain myself from buying 2 other pairs of shoes purely because I felt extremely guilty for spending loads of money!! Came home, threw my hair in one of my 'Asian kids from The King & I' style bun, which I have been doing A LOT recently, watched 'So you think you can dance?' (favourite talent program), ate Chinese & now here I am about to go to bed after a long day!
Who says my life is boring hey!?
Hope you enjoyed this hopefully enlightening post about what I get up to during the week, what have you guys been up to this week?
Much love,
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